Vegetarian Advice, Articles, and Recipes that are more Than Just Salad right from the Angry Giraffe's Mouth.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Wierd Fruit!

Today I tried these need exotic fruits for the first time. The first shown here is called a Mangosteen native to the Sunda Islands and the Moluccas. These are hard to explain because they taste like nothing I have ever tasted before.. but they sort of remind me of a cross between a blueberry and a banana. Quite tasty.

Granadilla fruit is very interesting indeed. The Granailla originated in the Andies - between Venuzuilla and Bolivia. The shell is thin and the texture of a plastic, and once cut inside there is a sac of jelly covered seeds protected by what looks like a thin orange skin. I liked the jelly around the seeds but didn't care for the seeds themselves which are edible and crunchy but not hard. Both are very interesting fruits, try them! It's always fun to try new foods. :D